UWA Photo Permits

On-campus commercial photography for private use, whether by you or by a photographer you engage, requires a Photography Permit. On the day, patrolling security staff will ask to see your Permit.

These Frequently Asked Questions can help with most enquiries.

Why do I need a Photography Permit?
The University campus is private property. Photography Permits help the University manage public use of the grounds for photography.

Where do I buy a Photography Permit?
Online here.
You will need a Visa or MasterCard and an email address to which your Photography Permit is emailed. You then print your emailed Photography Permit to have with you on the day.

I don’t have an email address – how do I get a Photography Permit?
You can ring 08 6488 2440 on weekdays between noon and 4pm. You can come to the University Theatres office located at the Octagon Theatre to pick up a physcial copy.

Can I use a drone?
Flights at UWA Crawley need knowledge of, and to be reviewed by, the UWA Chief Remote Pilot. UWA Crawley is a “populous area”, and it is generally not appropriate, safe or legal for people to fly drones on campus. 
The policy & process is to contact the Chief Remote Pilot (drones-science@uwa.edu.au), and provide:
A copy of the RPA Pilot Certificate (RePL) issued by CASA
A copy of the companies Remote Operators Certificate (ReOC) issued by CASA
A Job Safety Assessment (JSA) for that mission that includes a Risk Assessment, and is authorised by the Chief Remote Pilot of the ReOC holder
UWA may also require confirmation or a copy of a current insurance certificate for Public Liability and Property insurance that covers drone-related activities  

The day I want isn’t available – why?
The work of the University renders most weekdays unavailable. Exam days and some other major event days in the University Calendar also prevent photography. We also limit the number of Photography Permits each day, so they may have all been used up. Finally, we only make days available once the University calendar is fixed – some dates might be too far in the future. 

I don’t know the day of my photoshoot – can I still get a Photography Permit?
No. You have to select a specific day when you purchase. Photography Permits are only valid for the day selected.

Does it matter what time I do my photoshoot on the day of my Photography Permit?
You are welcome to come on campus at any time on the date of your permit on weekends, and from 5.30pm onwards on weekdays.

I need more than an hour’s time? What do I do?
You can buy more than one Photography Permit. Each Permit gives you an hour on campus. So if you need 2½ hours, buy three Photography Permits.

It’s raining – can I get a refund?
No. Photography Permits are non-refundable.

What happens if the location I want is being used by another event?
There are many events occurring across the campus every day. We make no guarantee that a specific location will be available for you. If a location is occupied by an event you will have to find somewhere else. You may not intrude on another event.

What happens if I run into another photographic party?
Whilst we limit the number of Photography Permits issued each day, it is possible you will encounter another photographic party. We expect all Photography Permit holders to work cooperatively around each other.

Where do I park?
The campus has many car parks. You can find out more about University parking, and download a map, here. You must only park in marked bays, and you must comply with all parking restrictions, instructions and advertised charges.

Why do I have to carry my Photography Permit with me?
At any time on campus you may be approached by a member of staff or University Security. If you can’t produce your Photography Permit you have the option to buy one from your phone (if available) or be escorted from the campus. 

Why can’t I take photos in the Sunken Garden or Tropical Grove?
These venues are restricted to wedding parties who book a ceremony. You can book a ceremony from University Theatres on 08 6488 7407 or by emailing bookings-theatres@uwa.edu.au.

Is commercial photography allowed with a Photography Permit?
Photography Permits are restricted to photography on behalf of private clients, such as wedding photography. If your photography is commercial, such as for an advertising campaign, then you must seek permission via University Theatres on 08 6488 7407 or by emailing bookings-theatres@uwa.edu.au.

I’m shooting a video, not taking photos – what do I do?
Film and TV requests are handled separately. You must seek permission from University Theatres on 08 6488 7407 or by emailing bookings-theatres@uwa.edu.au.

Why can’t I bring alcohol onto the campus for my photoshoot?
The University is subject to WA licensing laws. To consume alcohol on University land you must first seek permission from the University. For a photoshoot, it’s more convenient to use a soft drink substitute. 

I still have a question not answered here
Please call University Theatres on 08 6488 7407 or emailing bookings-theatres@uwa.edu.au.